Appointed to the UCGIS Executive Board as the Communications Committee Co-Chair

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I’m so thankful to the University Consortium for GIS (UCGIS) for deciding to promote me to the UCGIS Executive Board as the Communications Co-Chair. Special thanks to Jennifer Bernstein, the other Co-Chair and my partner on the Communications Committee for recommending me for this promotion and for Diana Sinton the UCGIS Executive Director for her continued support of my involvement with UCGIS. I have been actively working on the UCGIS Communications Committee since December 2019 working to expand the UCGIS online presence and social media accounts. I am so excited for what we have already accomplished: the UCGIS Twitter account has expanded from 300 to 900 followers, we have launched a UCGIS LinkedIn account, and we are also working on a new Slack community coming soon. I’m very excited for this new role and my continued work with the UCGIS Communications Committee!